Library AAC RSS Feed Library AAC en-gb SUB Göttingen Tue, 22 Oct 2024 21:13:46 +0200 Tue, 22 Oct 2024 21:13:46 +0200 TYPO3 EXT:news news-314 Wed, 24 Jul 2024 16:32:58 +0200 New Series Published in The Stacks: The Inklings Yearbook Goes Open Access The Yearbook of the Inklings Society has found a new home in our repository, starting with vol. 40. “Speak friend and enter” – so reads the famous inscription the heroic party encounters at the Doors of Durin, the West-Gate of Moria, in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. At first misinterpreted by Gandalf, the wizard finally realises that no secret password is required – the magical doors give clear instructions: say “friend” (mellon in the Elven language Sindarin) and the gates will open.

In Tolkien’s novel, this episode illustrates the long-forgotten friendship between Elves and Dwarves, who cooperatively built the doors. A sign of friendship, of making the effort of learning each other’s language (and, by extension, their way of thinking and culture) is all that is needed for the doors to open and grant the friendly visitors free access to the Dwarven city of Khazad-dûm. 

Free and open access is an idea that researchers of Tolkien and other fantasy authors can embrace whole-heartedly these days, for the Yearbook of the German Inklings Society is now available in Diamond Open Access in our online repository, The Stacks!

The Inklings Society

“Inklings” was the name of a group of Oxford scholars and writers; its best-known members were J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. The Inklings Society for Literature and Aesthetics e.V. (German: Inklings-Gesellschaft für Literatur und Ästhetik e.V.), is dedicated to the discussion and dissemination of the works of these authors and of writers commonly associated with them (in particular, Charles Williams, Dorothy Sayers, George MacDonald and G.K. Chesterton) and to the study of the fantastic in literature, film and the arts in general.

Every year the Inklings Society organizes an international symposium in Germany, the proceedings of which are published in the Inklings Yearbook (German: Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik). The Inklings Yearbook is a forum for scholarly articles on international fantastic literatures past & present, with special regard to the authors of the Oxford Inklings. The articles are not restricted to literary criticism; they also deal with philosophical, theological, sociological and pedagogical aspects, with the arts, music, and the new media. The texts are published in both English and German.

Contents of the Inklings Yearbook

Starting with volume 40, the Inklings Yearbook will be published in our online repository, The Stacks. The current volume was edited by Maria Fleischhack, Patrick Schmitz and Carsten Kullmann and includes the papers held at the 2022 Inklings Symposium in Bochum on the topic of “Religion, Faith and the Fantastic”, as well as a selection of reviews. The texts discussed in this Yearbook range from popular young adult fiction like Kerstin Gier’s Ruby Red trilogy and Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone to television series such as Supernatural and Star Trek, as well as comic books, British and American fantasy literature, and Japanese myths in anime and games.

You can explore the Inklings Yearbook free of charge and read or download all individual texts as well as a PDF of the whole volume. We are currently in the process of digitizing older editions of the Yearbook as well – volumes 23-27 are available in part already, more will follow soon. Our thanks go out to the editorial board of the Inklings Society for their great cooperation on both of these projects! Here is the landing page for the Inklings Yearbook in our repository. 

So, if you are a friend, or mellon, of fantastic literature, proceed like Gandalf and his companions and get access now!

Publishing Services Conferences American Studies British & Irish Studies
news-312 Thu, 04 Apr 2024 15:37:35 +0200 Special Delivery: New Canada Books from the GKS A donation of 28 new, diverse titles of Canadiana has reached us! We are excited, for we received another generous donation of books from the Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien (GKS)! For the fourth time, the GKS has donated some recent Canadiana to us after their annual conference. This year's meeting had the title "Borders – Migration – Mobility / Frontières – Migration – Mobilité" and took place from 16 - 18 February, 2024, in the traditional location, Grainau, Bavaria. The book donations stem from the conference's bookfair, where many publishers present their most recent Canada-related titles. These 28 donated titles cover a wide range of topics of interest to scholars of Canada Studies, such as Canadian history, art and literature, Indigenous culture(s), Canadian wildlife and geography, the fields of politics, sociology and economy of Canada, and of course ­- hockey. 

Thank you for this wonderful tradition established by the GKS, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nele Sawallisch & Julia Schwarzmeier at the University of Trier!

We are currently making these donated books available to you, so you will very soon be able to find & access them in our catalogue

Canadian Studies
news-308 Wed, 06 Mar 2024 14:00:00 +0100 Beyond the Aesthetics: An Introduction to Dark Academia Learn about the origins of dark academia in literature, style and as a social media phenomenon The night is dark and cloudy, and you are in the library, working late to finish a paper. The deadline is only a few days away. The tables around you are empty. One last time for tonight, you head to the bookshelf to get another book – but what is that? Didn’t you see a shadow retreating behind the shelf?! You look behind it – but nobody is there …

Intrigued? If this mood with its Gothic sense of danger and its alluring romance of knowledge and history is appealing to you, then read on to learn more about dark academia - a trending sub-genre in anglophone literature and films - from The Secret History (1992), If We Were Villains (2017) to the fan-favourite thriller film Saltburn (2023), and the social media subculture it inspired!

Dark Academia as a Genre of Contemporary Fiction

Originating in works such as Peter Weir’s 1989 film Dead Poets Society and Donna Tartt’s 1992 novel The Secret History, the genre still lacks a hard and fast definition. However, it can be classified as a more melancholic offshoot of the campus novel, with elements of mystery and thriller narratives and even the Gothic. Films and TV series may also count as among dark academia narratives, if they contain certain elements of plot, setting and mood. Typically, an academic institution, e.g. a prestigious university, serves as the setting for one or several crimes or tragedies, the perpetrators, motives and consequences of which are usually revealed as the plot unfolds. These events will often be a result of the characters’ studies, academic research or university rituals. Many dark academia novels thus imply a connection between crime and an individual’s misled academic ambition - or, as Maryann Nguyen puts it, the protagonists are “students who are obsessed with each other and detrimentally absorbed in their intellectual pursuits” (Nguyen 56). Sometimes, these students are members in secret societies. Some of the novels blame elitist structures at educational institutions for the ensuing destruction, or even a dysfunctional academic landscape as a whole, although this connection is not always the object of overt criticism or satire. As Maryann Nguyen argues, the violence in dark academia can spring from the characters’ transgenerational nostalgia for an illusionary safe haven of academia, “built on an illusion of elite wealth and status and thus, almost always whiteness, even if it is not overtly voiced” (Nguyen 63; 59-61).

A highly intertextual genre, dark academia often incorporates references to real and fictitious works of literature and theory, sometimes even incorporating footnotes. Some dark academia texts might also include elements of fantasy or science fiction for an additional layer of meaning, such as R. F. Kuang’s Babel (2022), while older works, like Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890/91) and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818), are often cited as forerunners.

Social Media's Dark Academia Aesthetic: Moody Dandies in Vintage Blazers

Dark academia is not only a literary subgenre. In recent years, starting at around 2014-2015, (cf. Adriaansen; cf. Nguyen 64) it has hatched into a whole aesthetic on social media platforms Tumblr, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, of which reading lists are only a small part. An “aesthetic” on these platforms can be understood primarily in terms of the style of visual content, such as photographs and short video clips giving inspiration for dress and decoration choices. The fashion style of dark academia depicts young people in clothes inspired by vaguely 20th-century British or New England college wear (a bit 40s, a bit 80s or early 90s), such as tweeds, heavy knits, blazers and trenchcoats, usually in dark earthy tones. A dim colour palette is essential, mirroring the “dark” in dark academia. Interestingly, the unisex clothing choices may reflect the queerness of many characters in popular dark academia works, as well as the subgenre’s (mostly young, millennial or Gen Z) readership’s interest in non-binary gender expression. Further hallmarks of the visual language of dark academia on social media (e.g. on Pinterest moodboards) are misty landscape shots of centuries-old university buildings or the interior of libraries filled with ancient tomes, sometimes supplemented by Gothic influences such as pictures of graveyards, or references to classical Greek and Roman antiquity in the shape of marble busts, embodying the Eurocentric educational values present in many of these narratives. Fittingly, Simone Murray summarises the dark academia aesthetic as “bookish; university-based; Eurocentric; and dandyish” (Murray 349). These influences can also be seen in displays of home décor: still lifes of (pseudo-) vintage objects such as candles, old picture frames and, of course, books. Sometimes these visuals are accompanied by classical instrumental music with a melancholy atmosphere, making dark academia music playlists a popular background study music on Youtube and Spotify. The common denominator of all these stylistic elements is a vague nostalgia for a non-defined, but definitely pre-internet era sometime in the late 19th or 20th century and a celebration of an (often elitist) academic setting, albeit with an ominous, sinister or moody element to it.

Sending Selfies from My Typewriter: The Paradox of "Digital Denialism"

The rise of dark academia can be an expression of the longing of younger generations for a lifestyle temporarily or permanently inaccessible to them. Because of race and class inequality, many readers (especially in the US) are unable to realise their dreams of studying at a university. Simone Murray has therefore described the immersion in dark academia as a form of “fatalistic cosplay”, playing at being a student or scholar: “In sum, DA [=dark academia] reduces a narrow selection of European cultural history and literature to so many props in an alluring game of online identity-projection” (Murray 352; 353).

In her very nuanced article, Murray highlights a paradox at the core of dark academia: on one hand, “[o]bjects associated with analogue-era intellectualism are especially prized leitmotifs” on its moodboards, with elements of the aesthetic’s “digital denialism” going back to the ur-text The Secret History, including the deliberate idealization of old-fashioned lifestyle choices such as writing on typewriters (Murray 350; 359). On the other hand, this disdain for contemporary technology is contrasted by the dark academia community’s dominant playground, online social media, and their pronounced skill in using these online platforms (Murray 350; 358-60). It is ironic that the idealization of a non-digital lifestyle, the “slavish veneration of a pre-digital world” (Murray 353), is transported predominantly via digital ways.

Lockdown & Loss: What Attracts Young People to Dark Academia's Bookish Universe

But these very same digital tools can be employed in very positive, empowering ways. Nguyen stresses in her article that the social media fandom has reached a second peak during the Covid19-pandemic, when lockdown and the loss of physical embodiments of university life culminated in “Tiktokers – particularly college students – […] using dark academia to build community around an academic nostalgia and fantasy taken from them” (Nguyen 65). Similarly, Robbert-Jan Adriaansen writes how “[i]n lockdown, dark academia functioned as a digital and idealized replacement of academia, and physical travel restrictions were supplanted with new intellectual and historical worlds to explore: classical and Romantic authors, music, and vintage clothing.” In this context, the logical consequence of an enforced digital oversaturation is a yearning for analogue elements. For dark academia fans, using online media and venerating physical books are not necessarily in competition to each other – quite the opposite. Quoting gen Z TikToker @henry_grey_earls, whose clips have millions of views, Alaina Demopoulos attested this year for the Guardian: “‘I think people my age are craving something more authentic, and looking for something that’s real […] What’s more real than books and physical material?‘” According to research quoted in Demopoulos’s article, even non-readers are flocking to libraries to use them as free, third spaces for socializing and learning. As Demopoulos writes, dark academia, “the internet subculture obsessed with higher education and literature” and the dissemination of the aesthetic’s vibes and values play a crucial part in kindling gen Z’s love for libraries, not only for easy access to hyped titles on BookTok, but also related to fostering motivation for using them as study spaces.

Some Suggested Dark Academia Books for Students & Scholars of the Genre

Ready to explore our library as the perfect spot to get lost in a dark academia read? No involvement in murder or secret societies necessary! Or would you prefer to order your helping of campus-based thrill via interlibrary loan? Whichever way you choose, here are some suggestions to get you started – a small selection of genre classics and new additions to our collection at Göttingen State and University Library:

  • Donna Tartt’s innovative debut novel The Secret History, as mentioned above, was instrumental in shaping dark academia as a literary genre. The novel starts with a reference to two murders, one concerning one of six Classics students at a prestigious New England campus, narrated in hindsight by another student of the group who is a bit of an outsider, especially class-wise. The reader soon learns what led to the deaths and what consequences follow for the remaining five. The many references to key texts of the Greek Classics underline the appeal of this novel. Tracy Hargreaves’ Reader’s Guide to The Secret History delivers a compact first introduction to the novel, its author, influences and reception.
  • Marisha Pessl’s 2006 novel Special Topics in Calamity Physics already reveals its obsession with literature by its chapter names, which are titles of well-known classics. The text of this campus thriller is likewise riddled with allusions to film and fiction, reflecting narrator Blue’s education as the daughter of a smug American university lecturer. After a recent move Blue starts as a student at a private college in North Carolina, where she becomes enmeshed in a popular group of students and starts investing the death of her glamorous Film Studies teacher.
  • Susanna Clarke is no novice to dark academia – her 2004 alternative history novel Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, set in a Regency England yearning for the return of English magic and rich with references to academic study and the (mis-)application of learning, was already part of the genre. Her most recent work, the highly-praised 2020 novel Piranesi, is a very different contribution. Set in the ominous, darkly fantastic House populated with (lifeless?) statues and filled with treacherous tides, and narrated by a wholly unreliable narrator, the novel’s ties to academia will be revealed only as the reader dares to step deeper into the text’s nightmarish maze.
  • R.F. Kuang’s Babel, or The Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators’ Revolution (2022) sets out to diversify the predominantly white cast of the dark academia genre. Set in an alternative Oxford in 1836, Kuang’s protagonist is a half-Chinese, half-English student of Translation – a skill that in Babel’s world constitutes the basis of a unique linguistic magic system powering the Industrial Revolution. The many references to theories of linguistics make the book a feast for students of languages, while the racially and culturally diverse main characters add another layer formerly absent from most dark academia novels.
  • Academia and Higher Learning in Popular Culture: Studies on dark academia are still hard to find – this 2023 essay collection, edited by Marcus K. Harmes and Richard Scully, promises insights into the portrayal of academia in a variety of popular texts, such as classic dystopian novels, Terry Pratchett’s Discworld’s Unseen University, Sherlock Holmes’ academic training, as well as films such as Mona Lisa Smile and TV series such as Doctor Who, The Chair and 3rd Rock From the Sun, and many others. Aspects of monstrosity, darkness and dystopia in the essays underline possible connections to the dark academia genre and reveal tendencies in pop culture’s representation of higher education.

Are you missing any dark academia texts or studies on the topic that we can add to our collection for your and other scholars’ benefit? Then please send us a request! 


Works Cited



American Studies British & Irish Studies
news-295 Fri, 18 Aug 2023 10:51:00 +0200 New Nation-Wide Licence: Jewish Life in America, c1654-1954 Explore Jewish life in America - from the arrival of the first Jews in New Amsterdam in 1654 right through to the mid-20th century! As the result of our collaboration with several other FIDs (Specialised Information Services), namely the FID Geschichtswissenschaft (Historical Studies), the FID Jüdische Studien (Jewish Studies), the FID Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa (Russian, East and Southeast European Studies) and the FID Religionswissenschaft (Religious Studies), the FID AAC proudly presents its newest addition to our online resources: “Jewish Life in America, c1654-1954”!

This digital archive offers a diverse window into everyday American Jewish life over the span of three centuries, showcasing communal and social aspects of Jewish identity and culture as well as the community’s relations with the American society as a whole, shaping modern America. Original manuscript collections from the American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS) in New York, ranging from personal, handwritten material such as letters, scrapbooks, autobiographies and notebooks to committee reports and financial records, memorials, announcements, surveys as well as rare printed books and pamphlets are included in this rich and varied collection. Six major organisational collections and twenty-four collections of personal papers entirely digitized in full colour are accessible in this fascinating online resource. All images are full-text searchable, which immensely facilitates working with these documents.

Supplementary resources aid your research, such as guides to the collection, a chronology of major events, essays by leading academics, a selection of articles and statistics from the American Jewish Year Book and biographies of prominent Jewish personalities. Another highlight is the visual gallery. This includes the East Side Project (1932-34) by the Graduate School of Jewish Social Work, which uses photographs to document the situation of the Jewish population of the Lower East Side of New York. The website offers easy access to selected, filtered materials via eleven thematic areas of research, for example “Politics and the Law“, “Culture, Literature and the Arts” (including the papers of Emma Lazarus, author of the sonnet "The New Colossus", written on a plaque in the base of the Statue of Liberty) or “Immigration and Settlement”.

Thanks to our acquisition of this national licence you are able to access this world of knowledge via your university’s network or the central Database Information System (DBIS). Jewish Life in America, c1654-1954, an archival collection by AM, is open to all scholars and students in Germany interested in the history of the American Jewish population. If you are an independent scholar in Germany without an affiliation, please register for access to nation-wide licences via

Licenses FID Network American Studies
news-299 Fri, 30 Jun 2023 15:33:00 +0200 Rebellion at Stonewall Inn – A Selection of Literature on the Stonewall Riots Celebrate Pride this year by learning about the origins of Christopher Street Day and Pride Parades with a hand-picked list of topical literature from our collection. These days we are approaching the end of June, which many people call Pride Month - a chance to celebrate pride in the LGBTQ+ community and to highlight the struggles its members still face in many places around the world, and to use our voices as allies or parts of the community to fight for LGBTQ+ rights.

June 28th, 1969 was the day when a police raid of the Stonewall Inn at 53 Christopher Street, New York City, turned horribly violent, leading to the famous Stonewall riots. Before, the bar had been one of the very few safe havens for homosexual men and women, drag queens, transgender and gender-non-conforming people, as well as homeless youths. On June 28th, 1970, one year after this event, the first “Christopher Street Liberation” marches were held in honour of these riots, influencing LGBTQ+ activism in the US and around the globe, visibly expressing a new sense of self-confidence and pride. The uprising at Stonewall Inn was not the first act of rebellion by queer people for equal rights and treatment, neither in the world nor in the United States, but it had a lasting impact and a legacy still very present today. For example, the origins of Pride are still visible in the German name for pride demonstrations, celebrated under the name of “Christopher Street Day” in many German cities. However, not everyone is familiar with the actual history of the events in Christopher Street.

Here is a selection of books from out collection to help you if you want to learn more on this complex topic. Many of these books are divided in “before” and “after Stonewall”, to illustrate the strong impact of the events in Christopher Street, New York City. All of these books can be accessed by you via inter-library loan!

  • The ideal place to start your research is David Carter’s Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution (St. Martin’s Press, 2004), a historical reconstruction of the events in Christopher Street in June and July, 1969. The text sets the scene by describing the social and legal background and gives a magnitude of details and quotes. 
  • Stonewall (Dutton, 1993) by historian, activist and Gay Studies pioneer Martin Duberman relates the events leading up to Stonewall and their impact through the eyes of 6 activists of the community, including great biographical detail that succeeds in drawing these protagonists as fully-fledged, multidimensional individuals rather than just names. This also helps to showcase how people at different social intersections, for example, intersections of race and class, may have experienced these events through a different lens.
  • Marc Stein’s The Stonewall Riots: A Documentary History (New York University Press, 2019) and The Stonewall Reader by the New York Public Library (edited by Jason Baumann; Penguin, 2019) both provide a wealth of historical texts and resources from before, during and after Stonewall. Stein’s sourcebook is a collection of 200 primary resources, including song lyrics, demonstration flyers, letters to the editor in mainstream media and articles in magazines of the LGBTQ+ scene, from 6 US-American cities, covering 1965-73. The Stonewall Reader collects newspaper articles as well as essays, interviews and personal memories, valuable first-hand accounts chronicling the Stonewall years.
  • Fred W. McDarrah’s coffee-table book Pride: Photographs after Stonewall (Zed Books, 2019, first edition under the title Gay Pride in 1994), chronicles New York’s LGBTQ+ community before and after the Stonewall riots. McDarrah, picture-editor and photographer of The Village Voice, witnessed the beginning of the movement and portrayed many icons, such as Tennessee Williams, Djuna Barnes, Frank O’Hara or Candy Darling, and many others, who are pictured in the volume along with images setting the scene of New York’s gay scene in the 1960s. High-quality, first-hand photographs of parades and protests in the decades following Stonewall and quotes by eye-witnesses give a vivid impression.
  • Another feast for the eyes is Christopher Measom’s book PRIDE: The LGBTQ+ Rights Movement (Sterling, 2019). It presents big and colourful artworks, photographs, entertainment posters and other historical material, as well as photographic portraits of queer icons. The book serves as a colourful introduction to important 20th and early 21st century figures, movements and developments of LGBTQ+ rebellion, decade by decade.

Missing any essential reads for your research? Then contact us today! 

Note: In this article, we try to reflect the diversity of the activists portrayed in these books by employing inclusive terms such as LGBTQ+, even though these were not historically in use in 1969.

American Studies
news-240 Wed, 07 Jun 2023 15:25:00 +0200 Bilder in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen Korrekte Bildnachweise erstellen und Urheberrechtsverletzungen vermeiden - Tipps für die Praxis Das korrekte Verwenden und Nachweisen von Bildern im wissenschaftlichen Kontext ist nicht schwer, sofern die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und der Verwendungszweck klar sind. In diesem Beitrag möchten wir Ihnen einige praktische Tipps geben, wie Sie schnell zu dieser Klarheit gelangen, Urheberrechtsverletzungen vermeiden, sich durch durch korrekte Bildnachweise absichern und Ihre Publikationen außerdem problemlos im Open Access zweitveröffentlichen können.

Wie finde ich heraus, ob ich das Bild benutzen darf?

Grundsätzlich brauchen Sie die Erlaubnis, ein Bild verwenden zu dürfen. Diese Erlaubnis kann in verschiedenen Formen vorliegen oder muss ggf. eingeholt werden. Im Folgenden listen wir einige typische Fälle auf und wie man jeweils damit verfährt.

Das Bild befindet sich ohne explizite Rechteangabe in einer gedruckten oder elektronischen Publikation.

Fragen Sie den*die Urheber*in des Bildes, sofern angegeben, ob Sie das Bild publizieren dürfen. Geben Sie den Verwendungszweck und die Art der Publikation an. Sollte der*die Urheber*in des Bildes nicht angegeben sein, wenden Sie sich mit Ihrer Frage an Autor*in, Herausgeber*in oder an den Verlag und bitten ggf. um die Kontaktdaten der richtigen Ansprechperson.

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  • Sonderfall: Wird z.B. ein gemeinfreies Gemälde von einem*r Fotografen*in abfotografiert, hat der*die Fotograf*in die Urheberrechte an dem Foto – hier muss also der*die Fotograf*in persönlich oder durch eine Lizenz die Erlaubnis geben, das Foto zu verwenden, auch, wenn das abgebildete Gemälde gemeinfrei ist.

Welchem Zweck dient das Bild in der Publikation?

Grundlegend ist bei der Verwendung von Bildern in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen außerdem die Klärung der Frage, ob ein Bild zum Zitatzweck oder nur zur Illustration verwendet wird.

Bilder zum Zweck des Zitats (§ 51 UrhG)

Wenn Sie sich in Ihrer Publikation mit dem Bild selbst auseinandersetzen und es abbilden möchten, damit die Leser*innen Ihre Ausführungen zu dem Bild nachvollziehen können, verwenden Sie es zum Zweck des Zitats und dürfen es abbilden. Selbstverständlich müssen Sie es mit einem korrekten Bildnachweis versehen. Sie dürfen zum Zitatzweck auch Bilder in einer Publikation verwenden, deren Rechteinhaber*innen sich alle Rechte vorbehalten haben.

Beispiel: Abbildung von Buchcovern bei Rezensionen

Cover sind in der Regel urheberrechtlich geschützt, weil sie eigens gestaltet werden und daher sog. „Schöpfungshöhe“ aufweisen. Wenn Sie eine Rezension schreiben und das Cover des besprochenen Buchs abbilden, unterliegt die Coverabbildung nur dann dem Zitatzweck, wenn Sie das Cover selbst auch besprechen, also z.B. untersuchen, in welchem Verhältnis die Symbolik der Covergestaltung zum Inhalt des Werks steht. In diesem Fall dürfen Sie das Cover mit Bildnachweis abbilden. Wenn Sie das Cover nicht besprechen, dient es nur der Illustration Ihres Beitrags. In diesem Fall müssen Sie die Erlaubnis der Rechteinhaber*innen, z.B. dem Verlag oder den Gestalter*innen, einholen.

Bilder zum Zweck der Illustration

Natürlich möchte man gerne, dass ein Artikel nicht nur gut ist, sondern auch gut aussieht. Bilder sind hierzu hervorragend geeignet. In diesem Fall verwendet man Bilder aber nur zur Illustration. Für jedes Bild, mit dem Sie sich nicht explizit in Ihrer Arbeit auseinandersetzen und das in Ihrer Publikation nur als visuelle Begleitung fungiert, müssen Sie im Bildnachweis dokumentieren, dass Sie das Recht oder die Erlaubnis dazu besitzen, es abzubilden. Überlegen Sie also noch einmal, ob Sie das Bild wirklich benötigen.

Was gehört zu einem vollständigen Bildnachweis?

Zu einem vollständigen Bildnachweis gehören folgende Daten:

In einer elektronischen Publikation versehen Sie den Titel des Bildes mit einem direkten Link auf den Fundort, sofern der Fundort online ist. Die Lizenzangabe sollte wiederum direkt verlinkt sein mit der Zusammenfassung der Lizenzbedingungen. In einer gedruckten Publikation müssen Sie die Linktexte zusätzlich zur Nennung des Fundorts bzw. der Lizenz ausgeschrieben angeben.

Wenn Sie ein Bild nehmen und es für Ihre Publikation verändern, also ein Detail zeigen oder es verkleinern, ist es in den meisten Fällen erforderlich, dies anzugeben, z.B.

Bevor Sie dies tun, überprüfen Sie noch einmal die Nutzungsbedingungen, sofern es unter einer CC-Lizenz steht: Enthält diese die Komponente ND, dürfen Sie keinerlei Veränderungen an dem Bild vornehmen!

Auf unserer Webseite Publish in The Stacks haben wir Links zu weiteren hilfreichen Artikeln zur Verwendung von Materialien Dritter in Publikationen zusammengestellt, ebenso wie Tipps für das Auffinden von Bildern, die gemeinfrei sind oder unter freien Lizenzen stehen.

This version was revised by Leonore Sell. The original news item was published on June 24, 2019.


Publishing Services
news-288 Tue, 27 Sep 2022 11:58:00 +0200 Open Access Cooperation with The German Association for British Studies (AGF) The series “Publications of The German Association for British Studies” is now available in open access in The Stacks At the end of 2021 we have begun an open access cooperation with the German Association for British Studies, which is also represented on our advisory board. From 1987 until 2018 the association published the series “Publications of The German Association for British Studies.” In the beginning the series documented papers presented at the association's annual meetings, but in the following years monographs, dissertations and other conference volumes came to be included as well. The publications cover mostly such areas as history and sociology, but also political science, economy and German-British relations. As of 2018, the series was discontinued but since its inception in the 1980s it has grown to 71 volumes.

We are happy to announce that as of today we have completed the digitization and publication of 262 records from the series that are now available in the AGF special collection in The Stacks. This collection contains 244 book chapters, 12 monographs and 6 collected volumes. The digitization effort was made possible by our collaboration with the GDZ, whose support was integral in transferring these publications that were hitherto only available in print into open access.

Due to copyright limitations we were not able to publish the entire series. For this purpose we need the agreement of the authors, especially for essays published in the collected volumes. So if you have published in this series, please get in touch with us:

Publishing British & Irish Studies
news-293 Tue, 02 Aug 2022 10:33:28 +0200 Literary Print Culture: The Archives of the Stationers' Company Get access to 300 years of English book trade history via this database - another successful cooperation between FID AAC & FID BBI. Thanks to the renewed cooperation with the FID AAC and the support of the German Research Foundation the database "Literary Print Culture" is now available to German library users. After granting access to the Publisher's Weekly Digital Archive, the FID BBI negotiated a second national licence for Germany this summer.

The Adam Matthews database "Literary Print Culture" contains digitized business and administration documents from the archive of the "Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers" (aka Stationers' Company), a book trader's guild founded in 1403 in London. This guild later held the monopoly over print and publishing in England for several stretches during the 16th and 17th century. The Stationers' Company played a central role in the development of censors, censorship of the press, and the copyright.

Because we negotiated a national license for Germany, you can access "Literary Print Culture" via the central Database Information System (DBIS) in Germany. 

Literary Print Culture in DBIS.

Licenses FID Network British & Irish Studies
news-292 Tue, 21 Jun 2022 09:41:16 +0200 Neue Nationallizenz: Publishers Weekly Digital Archive Der FID BBI und der FID Anglo-American Culture haben für das Publishers Weekly Digital Archive eine Nationallizenz erwirkt. This is a version of the article that appeared on the FID BBI Blog on June 9, 2022.

Seit diesem Sommer steht den Freunden und Freundinnen der Buch- und Bibliothekswissenschaft in Deutschland eine Schatztruhe offen: Bis dato waren die mittlerweile 150 Jahrgänge des US-amerikanischen Branchenjournals Publishers Weekly den Forschenden in Deutschland weder in Print noch elektronisch vollständig zugänglich. Nun konnten der FID BBI und der FID Anglo-American Culture für das Publishers Weekly Digital Archive eine Nationallizenz erwirken. Wir freuen uns über die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit der beiden FID und über die Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft!

Publisher's Weekly

Publishers Weekly ist ein amerikanisches Gegenstück zum Deutschen Börsenblatt oder zum Buchreport. Es handelt sich um eine Fachzeitschrift für Buchverlage, Buchhändler, Bibliothekare und Literaturagenten. Die wöchentlich erscheinende Zeitschrift wird seit 1872 herausgegeben und hat ihren Schwerpunkt auf Kurzrezensionen von Neuerscheinungen auf dem Buchmarkt. Darüber hinaus enthält sie Artikel zu buchmarktrelevanten Themen, seit 1912 auch Bestsellerlisten. Alle Ausgaben können via OCR im Volltext durchsucht werden, die Transkription kann auf jeder Seite aufgerufen und kopiert werden, dazu können Nutzende eigene Tags vergeben.

Zugriff erhalten

Der Zugang muss durch die Bibliothek, über deren Netz Sie darauf zugreifen möchten, freigeschaltet werden. Ob das schon geschehen ist, können Sie über das Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS) in Erfahrung bringen. Wenn Ihre Heimatbibliothek in der Liste der „Bibliotheken mit Bestandsnachweis“ nicht auftaucht, kontaktieren Sie bitte die Kolleg*innen vor Ort. Andernfalls können Sie auch eine Einzelnutzerlizenz bei beantragen.

Eintrag des Publishers Weekly Digital Archives im Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS)

Licenses FID Network American Studies Canadian Studies
news-291 Wed, 08 Jun 2022 09:56:42 +0200 New Database: Publishers Weekly Digital Archive FID AAC provides access to 150 years of US publishing history with a national license - a cooperation with the FID Book Studies, Library and Information Science. Thanks to our productive collaboration with the FID Book Studies, Library and Information Science, we are able to grant you access to the "Publisher's Weekly Digital Archive" and the rich publication history it holds. This collection of the materials of one of the most important newspapers for the US publishing industry and the (transatlantic) book trade supports scholars interested in a variety of research fields connected to the US - reaching from print media and digital culture to popular culture and literature to the history of the book - to realize their projects. 

According to the database description, "this primary source archive contains every page of Publishers Weekly published for nearly 150 years, in its original context, in full color, and fully searchable." The collection comprises 7,755 issues that contain close to 400,000 book reviews, many author profiles and interviews as well as bestseller lists from 1895 forward. If you want to know what the best-selling book for Christmas 1908 and 1980 was, this is the place to look for that information.

Browse the database now and enjoy exploring!

As with all our licenses, the Kompetenzzentrum für Lizenzierung (KfL) has negotiated with the publisher to provide access to the materials from your university’s network or via the database information system (DBIS) provided by your library. Independent scholars or scholarly-minded people without an affiliation can register for access to nation-wide licenses with the DFG (German Research Council) when they permanently reside in Germany. Find more information concerning registration and our other databases on the FID AAC page at the KfL.

If you would like to make a request for future databases, fill out this form and let us know.

Licenses FID Network American Studies Canadian Studies
news-290 Wed, 01 Jun 2022 15:00:19 +0200 Search the Archives of the New York Times and the Washington Post Access provided by the FID AAC in cooperation with FID Geschichtswissenschaft. In cooperation with our colleagues from the FID Geschichtswissenschaft (History), the FID AAC provides access to the archives of two of the most important daily American newspapers: The Washington Post and The New York Times.

The archives offer entire newspaper pages as well as individually indexed materials such as articles, commentaries, opinion pieces, reviews, photographs, comics, and ads. With this access the FID-network expands upon the national license already in effect, which granted access to these newspapers until 1922.

Direct access for users with an FID-account:

If you need access, please consult our manual on how to register for the newspaper archives below or visit the KfL-website of the FID Geschichtswissenschaft.

Enjoy browsing the archives! If you would like to make a request for future licensing efforts, fill out this form and let us know.

Licenses FID Network
news-289 Thu, 31 Mar 2022 12:36:43 +0200 New Database Available: Transatlantic Relations Online The FID AAC, in cooperation with FID Benelux & FID Geschichtswissenschaften, licensed the Digital Archives of the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies.  In cooperation with the FID Benelux (Lower Countries) and the FID Geschichtswissenschaften (History), the FID AAC has successfully secured a German national license for Transatlantic Relations Online: Digital Archives of the Roosevelt Institute for American StudiesThe Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS) is located in Middelburg (The Natherlands) and includes a graduate school, a research center, a public library, and an extensive archive.

As such it is one of the most important European centers for the study of American and transatlantic history and promotes the exploration of the "trajectories of Dutch-American and, generally, transatlantic relations" in culture, society, and politics. The RIAS' local archive is expansive, reaching from presidential papers (Roosevelt - Carter), to W.E.B. DuBois's papers, to US foreign relations with the Netherlands and its colonies. 230,000 documents and 52 audio files of its holdings have been digitized and made available through BrillOnline's Transatlantic Relations Online database.

The collections of this database are:

According to the database description, these "are of particular interest to scholars working on cultural and public diplomacy, political and economic relations, migration flows, cross-cultural exchanges, [and] the role of religion in foreign policy making." If you or your students are working on these topics, these primary sources will be of tremendous value to you.

Browse the database now and enjoy exploring! If you would like to make a request for future databases, fill out this form and let us know.

As with all our licenses, the Kompetenzzentrum für Lizenzierung (KfL) has negotiated with the publisher to provide access to the materials from your university’s network or via the database information system (DBIS) provided by your library. Independent scholars or scholarly-minded people without an affiliation can register for access to nation-wide licenses with the DFG (German Research Council) when they permanently reside in Germany. Find more information concerning registration and our other databases on the FID AAC page at the KfL.

Additional materials on related topics (books, journal articles, DVDs, Blu-rays) can be provided by the FID via inter-library loan.

Licenses FID Network
news-287 Fri, 17 Dec 2021 09:37:45 +0100 The Academic Podcast - An Important Tool for Research Communication We assembled highlights of academic podcasting from our research communities so you don't have to. Last Update: March 7, 2022

The transfer of knowledge and the discussion of research findings is one of the most central tasks in academia. To a heightened degree, fields operating in the humanities have a responsibility and desire to communicate their research as it helps to contextualize, explain, categorize, and observe the many aspects of human existence as they relate to politics, history, culture, nature, and society. Aspirations to make knowledge production and academic discourse more transparent as well as permeable are strongly encouraged (if not required) by sponsors and facilitated by digital technology that reaches audiences like never before. The possibilities seem endless, so does the amount of outlets, so does the workload.

With this gateway, the FID AAC wants to highlight excellent examples for successful and innovative research communication in form of podcasts and, in doing so, appreciate the immense work that goes into the production of episodes, channels, and overall scholarly communication infrastructure. At the same time, we want to provide a source for students, teachers, and researchers working in our fields to find valuable resources. This gateway, in which we mainly focused on German productions, aims to make the work of many visible and usable. If important resources are missing, please let us know.

Services American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies
news-286 Tue, 16 Nov 2021 10:05:11 +0100 Archive Your Conference Materials in "The Stacks" Make your CfPs, event programs & posters, and conference reports accessible in Open Access. A lot of work goes into planning, organizing, and layouting the materials that accompany every academic event: Thinking through and formulating a CfP, putting together a program (or, rather programs, because something always has to be shifted and changed), designing said program and corresponding poster, and, afterwards, writing a conference report for your website, department and/or sponsor. This work lies at the core of academic exchange and debate because it frames the scope and image of every event. Hence, the materials produced are important indicators for the status quo of contemporary scholarship as well as crucial markers to trace the development of scholarly debates over time. 

With the subject repository The Stacks, the FID AAC provides a space where you can openly archive and collect scholarly work product that otherwise might go unrecognized. We think it is important to make this vibrant and dynamic part of academic work more visible and accessible. 

What are the advantages of archiving your event materials in The Stacks?

Accessibility: Your documents will be found by (academic) search engines such as Google, Google Scholar, or BASE.

Visibility: The entirety of your work and/or your department's, network's or institution's activity is available in one place and can be browsed by names of individuals and institutions.

Citability: Your documents will be clearly identifiable and citable through permanent identifiers such as Persistent Uniform Resource Locators (PURL) and Digital Object Identifiers (DOI). 

Reliability: Your documents are archived and saved by a DFG-funded, non-commercial institution within German data privacy law.

Longevity: As a DINI-certified service, we can guarantee that your documents will be stored responsibly for many years to come. You don't have to worry about keeping a website running in order not to lose your documents.

Integrity: We import metadata of already registered DOIs in order to maintain document integrity and to avoid redundancy.

Non-Exclusivity: By granting The Stacks non-exclusive usage rights, you retain all rights to your documents and are free to re-use them elsewhere, e.g. the repository of your home institution.


Checklist: Follow these steps to archive your event materials in The Stacks?

  1. Decide which materials you'd like to archive.
  2. Make sure you have the necessary rights to publish the materials.
  3. Make sure you have the necessary rights to re-use the images and designs for non-commerical purposes.
  4. Decide under which Open Access license you'd like to archive your materials. You can contact us with your questions or use the CC-Chooser tool.
  5. Upload your materials in The Stacks yourself OR send us your materials via email and we upload them for you.

We look forward to receiving and hosting your event materials, so that this vital part of academic communication is properly scured and appreciated. 

Please contact us with any questions and concerns you might have!

Publishing American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies
news-284 Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:36:00 +0200 Open Access Directory for Researchers in Anglo-American Studies For the relaunch of we have contributed a guide to subject-specific open sources. In the context of the Open Access Days 2021, has relaunched their website to better accommodate the growing interest and particular needs of the professional communities working in open science. This website is a great place to get acquainted with Open Access as well as to dive deeper into the particularities and details of open access publishing and open science.

To this new platform we have contributed an Open Access directory for our research communities to facilitate successful scholarship in the subject areas we support. This directory includes open access sources and tools such as

These and other subject-specific references are paired with general information about various aspects of and frequently asked questions about open access in form of videos, graphs, and introductory texts. As such it is a great place to learn about open access and a valuable source to share among your network, with colleagues as well as students. Make sure to visit the subject-specific open access pages for English and American Studies.

Services American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies
news-285 Thu, 07 Oct 2021 11:21:38 +0200 “Singular Plurality – Singulair Pluriel”: Canada at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2021 Celebrate Canadian literature: We’ve collected online sources and program highlights about this year's guest of honor! Originally, Canada had been selected guest of honor at the 2020 Frankfurt Book Fair long before anybody could ever guess a pandemic would incapacitate cultural and public life globally. After a limited online Frankfurt Book Fair last year, the officials decided that Canada should be re-invited for 2021 to showcase its vibrant literary scene on a larger scale. To be guest of honor at the Frankfurt Book Fair is a highly prestigious position that guarantees the spotlight of the world’s literary industry to shine upon one country, its creatives, and its literature.

Canada’s motto is “Singular Plurality – Singulair Pluriel” and will be explored at their pavilion on the grounds of the fair and the accompanying program that "not only reflects the country’s size, but the diversity of its culture, languages and traditions [...] [and] will address the topics “Language and Culture,” “Indigenous, Political and Social Issues,” “Space and Territories,” “Children’s and Young Adult Literature,” “Women in Literature,” “LGBTQ2 Perspectives” and “The Environment”" as the organizing committee Canada Frankfurter Buchmesse 2021 (CanadaFBM2021) stated in a press release issued on September 28, 2021.

The official literary delegation that will represent Canada in Frankfurt reads like the who is who of contemporary Canadian literature and includes authors such as Margaret Atwood, Joséphine Bacon, Alexis André, Catherine Hernandez, Paul Seesequasis, and Joshua Whitehead. Find the full list at Canada’s official book fair website. Due to Corona-restrictions only a few authors will be present in person to talk about their work on several occasions and different formats; these include Michael Crummey, Kim Thúy, Canisia Lubrin, and Catherine Mavrikakis. One such occasion will be “Canada Night – Kanadische Literatur im Rampenlicht der Frankfurter Buchmesse” on October 20, 2021 organized by the Department of Canadian Heritage and Canada FBM2021. The program includes author talks, a round table discussion, and other artistic performances. Other events - on location and remote - organized for and by the guest of honor are listed here.

Canadian Studies
news-283 Fri, 03 Sep 2021 10:46:05 +0200 Explore the Licensed Databases on “American Consumer Culture” We licensed two databases provided by Adam Matthew Digital: “J. Walter Thompson: Advertising America” and “Market Research & American Business, 1935–1965”. Great news for all researchers and teachers working on topics of twentieth-century consumer culture, advertising, or market research as they relate to the US. Together with the KfL, the FID AAC licensed two databases provided by Adam Matthew Digital for you: J. Walter Thompson: Advertising America and Market Research & American Business, 1935–1965. Since we successfully negotiated a national license for Germany, you will be able to reach the materials from your university’s network or via the database information system (DBIS) provided by your library. Independent scholars or scholarly-minded people without an affiliation can register for access to nation-wide licenses with the DFG (German Research Council) when they permanently reside in Germany. You can access both databases via the American Consumer Culture platform. Find more information concerning registration and getting access on the FID AAC licenses page at the KfL.

Covering a time when Madison Avenue was the epicenter of US marketing and advertising and so-called Mad Men were looked up to, these databases offer a wide variety of materials to not only study the history of American consumerism. Concentrating on two of the most influential individuals and their advertising firms in US history, these databases offer invaluable insights into the inner workings of these companies as well as their impact on US culture as a whole. Thus, the materials support a wide variety of projects from researching the mechanisms of advertising, to visual culture across different media, to the cultural image of certain objects (cars, cigarettes, etc.), services (airlines, travel agencies), or brands (Kodak, Barbie, Ford).

Market Research & American Business, 1935–1965

This database is a great resource to study American consumer culture of the mid-twentieth century through the lens of Ernest Dichter’s agency The Institute for Motivational Research, Inc. that was responsible for ad-campaigns for, among others, Kraft Foods, Heinz, or Disney. The collection offers an excellent stock of documents that attest to the immense influence of Freudian approaches in post-war American advertisement.

You can browse the document collections according to

  • document type (letter, memorandum, pilot study, etc)
  • industry (food, beauty, politics, electronics, etc.)
  • language (English, German, Spanish, French, etc.)

Besides documents, the database also offers useful visual materials that contribute to a deeper study of questions surrounding advertisement in the US. The Ad Gallery includes newspaper and magazine ads as well as posters that can be filtered according to decade, brand, and industry.

Immensely helpful in using this database is the fact that each item was categorized according to an industry. The Industries-page not only directs users to related materials but also contextualizes each industry within the greater framework of Dichter’s understanding of his work. This is especially fruitful in areas ‘outside’ commerce such as Politics, Public Service, or Education.

Search the collections now!

J. Walter Thompson: Advertising America

This database presents vast materials from the inner workings of one of the most renowned and influential advertisement agencies of the twentieth century: J. Walter Thompson (JWT). From the perspective of consumer culture, these documents and ad-campaigns offer great potential to study, among others, questions related to history, cultural studies, economics, or gender studies in the US.

Smartly, the materials have been grouped together in collections and series according to their respective context and given introductory texts to historicize and explain the nature of these sources. In this way users can use series such as Staff Meeting Minutes, Account Files/Brand Case Studies, or Chicago Office Media Resources and Research Department Records in an informed way. The visual sources differentiated between Print Advertisements and JWT  Photographs are both searchable by date, brand, subject and type.

Besides the excellent primary sources, this database also offers access to rich supplementary materials in the Explore section. Here, users can find academic essays on the impact of JWT, video interviews with experts in the field, client case studies, and chronologies of the company’s history (both from the company’s perspective and an archive’s perspective).

Search the collections now!

The databases on American Consumer Culture, so far, has sourced materials from the following institutions:

Enjoy exploring! If you would like to make a request for future databases, fill out this form and let us know.

Additional materials on related topics (books, journal articles, DVDs, Blu-rays) can be provided by the FID via inter-library loan.

Licenses American Studies
news-282 Fri, 27 Aug 2021 10:46:33 +0200 "Göttinger Schriften zur Englischen Philologie" now available in "The Stacks" Collaboration between FID AAC and Göttingen University Press makes academic publications more accessible! Thanks to our on-going and productive cooperation with academic publisher Göttingen University Press, our repository is now stacked with more Open Access books relating to the research fields we support. We are happy that our collaboration yielded advantages for the publisher, the repository, and above all the interested audience: In an effort to make anthology articles more visible, we worked jointly to individualize the articles and register DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) for them. The FID AAC is grateful to everybody involved in the process for making academic publications more accessible.

Each anthology—covering many academic disciplines from history, film studies, literary studies to medieval studies—now has its own collection and lists every article individually: 

Furthermore, we are excited to be able to archive every book so far published in the series „Göttinger Schriften zur Englischen Philologie” (“Göttingen Writings in English Philology”) – monographs and anthologies.

You can find all publication from Göttingen University Press archived in “The Stacks” relating to the fields we support here:

These digital materials, alongside the entire Göttingen University program, are of course also available on the publisher’s website. Make sure to browse it. We look forward to continue this cooperation with Göttingen University Press, update our repository with top-notch academic publications, and make the work of scholars in our fields more visible by providing an additional Open Access platform.

Publishing Services FID Network
news-280 Mon, 16 Aug 2021 18:04:27 +0200 The Stacks Has Been Reorganized We restructured the website of our repository to make browsing our collections more intuitive and enhance overall usability. Beginning with the introduction of our new logo in June, we deemed it important to continue the progress of The Stacks to make it easier to use. Therefore we restructured our repository's website and the order of its contents to make browsing through the collections more intuitive and enhance overall usability. Now the documents are at the center of visitors' attention. This reorganization became necessary because we realized that we had to respond to the growing number of documents archived in The Stacks and to accomodate our plans for its future development.

Publishing Services
news-279 Mon, 02 Aug 2021 13:37:17 +0200 Berlin in British Culture: Two Online Platforms Provide Multimedia Resources for Students & Teachers The Centre for British Studies at Humboldt University explores cultural ties between the city of Berlin and British artists in two online projects. The Centre for British Studies at Humboldt University Berlin is currently involved in two projects that highlight the importance of the city of Berlin for British artists: The project Happy in Berlin? English Writers in the City, The 1920s and Beyond in cooperation with Oxford University and the online exhibition Britons in Berlin: An Exploration through the Senses” curated by students of the Centre for British Studies. Both ventures have created excellent multimedia outlets in which the participants present and discuss their work and findings. These constitute helpful resources to study the impact of Berlin’s urban and social fabric on British literary works.

British & Irish Studies
news-278 Thu, 01 Jul 2021 10:53:34 +0200 Our Newsletter Is Out: Read & Subscribe From now on we will deliver all news about our activities & services right to your inbox. "Newsletter No. 1, July 2021" is now available. Stay Informed!

Never miss any important news related to the Fachinformationsdienst Anglo-American Culture and History. With our newly-established newsletter, we will inform our community about current events, ongoing services, and the general developments of the FID AAC and its subject repository "The Stacks." Additionally, we understand the newsletter as a way to foster direct communication with our research communities and welcome feedback and questions about our work.

We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter, so we can deliver our latest updates right to your digital doorstep. 

Our inaugural newsletter "No. 1, July 2021" is out now for you to read! 

Spread the word and tell your networks and colleagues.


You can unsubscribe here.

Services FID Network
news-277 Tue, 29 Jun 2021 07:04:03 +0200 FID AAC Acquires DVDs and Blu-ray Discs for Your Research Did you know that the FID AAC purchases TV series and miniseries as primary sources? Send us you request today. If you need access to a TV series, miniseries, reality show, documentary series or other form of serial storytelling as primary source for your current or future research project, the FID AAC is at your service: We acquire DVD and Blu-ray Discs to make them available through the German inter-library loan system. Whether you need one season of an ongoing series or a completed series, you can let us know.

Browse the holdings of DVDs and Blu-rays the SUB Göttingen has acquired so far.

If something is missing, please send us your suggestions via our Request Form and we will notify you as soon as the materials are ready to order. 

Series that were produced in the UK, Ireland, Australia, and/or New Zealand will be acquired by the SUB Göttingen. Our partners from the JFKI Library at FU Berlin already house a large collection of American and Canadian series.

Besides supporting German researchers in conducting their work by providing access to primary sources, assembling DVDs and Blu-rays in this way will also ensure the development of an accessible collection of TV productions and serial storytelling.

Services AUS & NZ Studies British & Irish Studies
news-276 Mon, 14 Jun 2021 11:09:45 +0200 More Monographs and Anthologies in “The Stacks” Numerous Open Access publications published by Peter Lang are now archived in our repository. Thanks to our newly-established cooperation with academic publisher Peter Lang, our repository is now stacked with numerous Open Access books relating to the research fields we support. The FID AAC is very grateful that Peter Lang, and especially Michael Rücker, the head editor for English/British Studies and American Studies in Germany, have devoted their time and energy to realize this project.

You can now find more monographs, anthologies, and anthology articles in “The Stacks”. The books cover many academic disciplines related to our fields such as cultural studies, didactics, economics, gender studies, literary studies, etc.:

Some anthologies are made available as collections, where the articles can be accessed separately:

These digital materials complement the physical copies of books published by Peter Lang that the SUB Göttingen has acquired and that are available via interlibrary loan. If you want to suggest a book for purchase, please let us know through our “Request Form.”

Please make sure to browse the entire Peter Lang program in English/British Studies, American Studies, and beyond!

We look forward to continue this cooperation with Peter Lang, update our repository with top-notch academic publications, and make the work of scholars in our fields more visible by providing an additional OA platform.

Publishing Services FID Network
news-264 Mon, 14 Jun 2021 10:07:00 +0200 The Stacks: Publication Service for Researchers Unlock your articles into Green Open Access! Send in your bibliography and we'll review which entries can be archived in The Stacks. That's all you have to do. Our Publication Service

If you'd like to publish your work in Open Access in our repository The Stacks, but you're not sure how to go about it or simply don't have the time to figure it out, we are here to make it easier for you:

Send us your list of publication and we will review and clarify the issues concerning copyright and self-archiving. Many publishers have individual policies about which version of your text to use for self-archiving and when. The review of each document is a time-consuming task, that we will happily do for you - free of charge!

We're Here to Help!

We are dedicated to making your work more accessible and visible and thus offer extensive services to support the upload of your academic work to our subject repository. 

  1. Send us your publication list via email 
  2. We review which entries can be archived according to German copyright laws and international publisher policies
  3. We send you our assessment
  4. We digitize publications that have been print-only thus far
  5. With your permission, we upload PDFs of your work and send you a persistent link

We look forward to working together with you in this endeavor. If you have questions or feedback, please let us know and get in touch

Learn more about The Stacks.

This is an updated version of the original news item published on November 9, 2020

Publishing Services
news-275 Wed, 09 Jun 2021 15:35:35 +0200 The Stacks erhält das DINI-Zertifikat Das DINI-Zertifikat zeichnet unser Repositorium als einen qualifizierten Open-Access Publikationsdienst aus. Wir freuen uns, verkünden zu können, dass unser Fachrepositorium The Stacks diese Woche das aktuelle DINI Zertifikat für Open-Access-Publikationsdienste 2019 erhalten hat. Das Zertifikat, mittlerweile in der 6. Auflage, wird von der Deutschen Initiative für Netzwerkinformation e.V. vergeben und ist vereinfacht gesagt so etwas wie ein TÜV-Kennzeichen oder Gütesiegel für Open Access-Publikationsdienste und Repositorien. Basierend auf einem Kriterienkatalog, der Mindestanforderungen, Best-Practices und technische Richtlinien definiert, soll das Zertifikat zu einer Verbesserung und Standardisierung von Open Access-Publikationsdiensten beitragen. Als ein geprüftes Qualitätsmerkmal soll es vor allem auch in der Forschungscommunity Vertrauen in nachhaltige Publikationsdienste fördern.

Das Zertifikat soll drei Wirkungsfelder bedienen:

  1. Forschende sollen anhand des Siegels vertrauenswürdige Publikationsdienste erkennen.
  2. Förder- und Träger-Institutionen sollen erkennen, welcher Aufwand hinter dem Betrieb eines solchen Publikationsdienstes steckt und welchen Mehrwert eine standardisierte und nachhaltige Open-Access Publikationsinfrastruktur mit sich bringt.
  3. Betreiber*innen erhalten mit dem Kriterienkatalog eine Orientierung beim Aufbau und Betrieb von Open Access-Repositorien.

Für Interessierte liegt die ausführliche Fassung des Zertifikats in deutscher und englischer Sprache vor.

Wir danken unseren Göttinger Kolleg*innen, die uns bei der Umsetzung unterstützt haben, und den DINI-Gutachter*innen für die professionelle Zusammenarbeit! 


Publishing Services
news-274 Fri, 28 May 2021 15:36:06 +0200 Resources on the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 Find a collection of online sources to research and teach the context and aftermath of the massacre. On occasion of the centennial of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre that destroyed the center of African American wealth and proliferation, we have collected resources to study and teach the historical events and their tremendous repercussion within US culture and race relations. 

The Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission, tasked with the coordinating the commemoroation of the 1921 events is a great entry point to familarize yourself with the discourses around the massacre itself, Greenwood, as the place where it happened, and the continued debates about whose history is being communicated. 

Databases and Archives

National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC)

African American Newspapers (Series 1 & 2)

  • Research contemporary news coverage of the 1920s related to the events in Tulsa through the African American Newspapers database which was licensed by the FID AAC
  • Learn more about the database here

Oklahoma State University

Smithsonian Institution

  • The Smithsonian Institution presents in its collection cluster "Tulsa 100" different facets of their collections to engage with the Tulsa Race Massacre from different perspectives.
  • The episode "Confronting the Past" of the Smithsonian's podacst Sidedoor provides an overall understanding of the events and their devastating impact.

Library of Congress

Teaching the Tulsa Race Massacre


  • #TulsaSyllabus is source curated by Dr. Alicia Odewale (University of Tulsa) and Dr. Karla Slocum (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill) that offers reading lists and syllabi about different aspects of the Tulsa Greenwood District.

Tulsa Historical Society and Museum

Oklahoma Historical Society

Tulsa and Greenwood in Literature, Art, and Culture

The Greenwood Art Project commissioned several artists to install public artworks arouond Tulsa on occasion of the Centennial. (Find a report on the project's opening on Artnet.)

Works of the artist Crystal Z. Campbell that reflect on the Tulsa Race Massacre.

Fire in Beulah (2001), a novel by Rilla Askew

Dreamland Burning (2017), a novel by Jennifer Latham

"The Case for Reparations" (2017), a story by Ta-Nehisi Coates

"The Massacre of Black Wallstreet" (2019), a webcomic by Natalie Chang

"Watchmen" (2019), TV-series by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons

Currently in the News

"A Century after the Race Massacre, Tulsa Confronts Its Bloody Past" (NPR), May 24, 2021

"American Terror" (Smithsonian Magazine), April 2021

"The Tulsa Race Massacre at 100: An Imperative fpr International Accountability and Justice" (Stanford Law School), February 11, 2021 

"Coffins Unearthed as the Search for Victims of the Tulsa Race Massacre Continues" (National Geographic), October 26, 2020

"Many Tulsa Massacres: How the Myth of a Liberal North Erases a Long History of White Violence" (National Museum of American History), August 25, 2020

"The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre and the Financial Fallout" (Harvard Gazette), June 18, 2020 

American Studies
news-273 Fri, 30 Apr 2021 09:42:30 +0200 Litlog – Online-Feuilleton von und für Studierende Litlog ist ein eMagazin an der Uni Göttingen, bei dem sich Studierende im kulturjournalistischen Schreiben ausprobieren können. Die Idee

Litlog ist ein studentisches eMagazin, gegründet am Seminar für Deutsche Philologie der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, das sich den praktizierten Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Kultur zum Ziel gesetzt hat. Das Spektrum dieses Dialogs reicht von kulturanalytischen Essays über literaturkritische Beiträge und Berichte zum literarischen wie kulturellen Leben, insbesondere in Göttingen, bis hin zu wissenschaftsjournalistischen und genuin wissenschaftlichen Artikeln.

Geführt wird dieser Dialog in erster Linie vom wissenschaftlichen und kulturellen Nachwuchs: von den Studierenden der Göttinger Universität, die als Redaktionsmitglieder, als freie Mitarbeiter:innen, als Autor:innen, Reporter:innen und Ideengeber:innen Litlog mit Inhalt füllen. Dabei will Litlog zugleich einüben ins öffentliche Schreiben: ins Schreiben für Leser:innen, nicht für Gutachter:innen; ins interessante, ins informative, ins unterhaltende Schreiben.

Litlog-Artikel können Rezensionen von Büchern, Filmen, Serien oder Musikalben oder Essays zu literarischen, kulturellen oder wissenschaftlichen Themen sein, beziehungsweise Interviews mit interessanten Personen aus dem Kulturbetrieb oder auch Reportagen aus der lokalen Kulturszene. Auch für andere Ideen und Formate sind wir offen. Veröffentlicht werden die Texte auf unserer Website, die mit Features wie einem Infoboxen, Bebilderung, Verschlagwortung, Veranstaltungskalender und Bücherkarussell eine schöne Plattform für journalistische Arbeitsproben bietet.

Unter der Rubrik "In English" finden die Litlog Leser:innen viele Inhalte auch auf Englisch.


Du studierst eine Philologie oder ein ähnliches Fach an der Uni Göttingen und möchtest einen Artikel für Litlog schreiben? Dann wende Dich gern mit einer konkreten Idee oder einfach so an oder Falls Du ein kürzlich erschienenes Buch oder eine Veranstaltung besprechen möchtest, bemühen wir uns um ein Rezensionsexemplar oder Pressekarten. Für englischsprachige Bücher können wir auf die Hilfe des FID AAC zurückgreifen. Wir helfen Dir in einem gründlichen Redigat, an Deinem Text zu arbeiten. Wenn er dann veröffentlicht ist, kannst Du ihn als Referenz angeben. Litlog ist für Studierende da: Solange Du mit Sprache umgehen und ein bisschen mit Texten arbeiten kannst, sind keine weiteren Vorkenntnisse vonnöten.

FID Network
news-269 Wed, 24 Mar 2021 09:50:56 +0100 'The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research' Book Series Goes Open Access Purdue University Press offers interdisciplinary book series on research in the C-SPAN archives in Open Access. Everyone with an interest in the politics of the United States, whether as an academic or as an informed citizen, has at some point come across the name C-SPAN (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network). The non-profit television network offers, according to its own slogan, an “unfiltered, gavel-to-gavel” coverage of the proceedings of the U.S. Congress since 1979. Besides offering up-to-date reporting on the legislative processes of the United States, C-SPAN also features an online video archive of more than 200.000 hours of recordings going back to the year 1987. In its function as a record keeper of American politics, this archive is also an important and reliable scholarly resource.

In 2014 Robert X. Browning, the director of the C-SPAN archives at Purdue University has established the book series The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research, in which six volumes have been published so far. The first volume, The C-SPAN Archives: An Interdisciplinary Resource for Discovery, Learning, and Engagement (2014), offers an introduction to the tools of the archive and a series of case studies focusing on rhetorical and historical aspects, but also including approaches from the social sciences. The following volumes extend the disciplinary spectrum to political science, journalism, psychology, computer science, media and communication studies and other disciplines. The latest two publications in the series focus on president Trump’s first term and the evolution of political rhetoric in the United States.

At the beginning of 2021 Purdue University Press announced that the series will from now on be available in open access on the institutional repository Purdue e-Pubs.

American Studies
news-265 Thu, 12 Nov 2020 13:53:57 +0100 Tips & Tricks for Managing Your Data End the file chaos! Some simple data management strategies and practical tips to organize and secure your data. In research and teaching, electronic data is produced and exchanged frequently and with ease. Often files are simply saved somewhere without a systematical plan. As a result, searching or identifying file versions may be unnecessarily time-consuming. With some simple strategies and a little discipline, however, organizing and securing your data becomes more effective.

news-263 Tue, 08 Sep 2020 10:18:00 +0200 Database - African American Newspapers Series 1 & 2 FID AAC provides access to Readex database African American Newspapers Series 1 & 2 with a national license This headline from the Arkansas State Press is more than seventy years old. Sadly, it could have been taken from today's paper, except for the use of the term "negro." Especially now in the era of fake news, post-truth and alternative facts, current problems require a historical perspective and one of its most immediate expressions can be found in the newspapers of the past. We are therefore happy to announce that our partner the Library of the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies has just recently licensed the comprehensive database African American Newspapers (Series 1 & 2) by Readex. The database spans one and a half centuries of African American publishing and contains more than 350 titles that cover such aspects as: life in the Antebellum South, the Abolitionist movement, growth of the Black church, the Jim Crow Era, the Great Migration, the Harlem Renaissance, and the Civil Rights movement. 

The database contains such eminent publications as Freedom’s Journal, which is considered to be the first African American newspaper in the United States, Frederick Douglass' famous North Star, and Marcus Garvey's Negro World, but also many regional, lesser known papers. The search interface of the database will be easy to navigate for users already familiar with Readex's America's Historical Newspapers. It allows the browsing of titles by such criteria as title, date range or location, but also offers more advanced search options, and tools for citation and download.

Both series of African American Newspapers can be accessed here: Series 1 and Series 2

Similarly to our recently announced database Gender: Identity and Social Change wide accessibility is guaranteed through a national license for Germany that allows all users of German university libraries to explore the collection via the database information system DBIS.

Please share the news!

And if you would like to make a request for future databases, fill out this form and let us know.

Licenses American Studies Canadian Studies