News Archive Page 2 of 7. Previous 123....7 Next Search the Archives of the New York Times and the Washington Post 06/01/2022 by Wiebke Kartheus Licenses FID Network Access provided by the FID AAC in cooperation with FID Geschichtswissenschaft.New Database Available: Transatlantic Relations Online 03/31/2022 by Wiebke Kartheus Licenses FID Network The FID AAC, in cooperation with FID Benelux & FID Geschichtswissenschaften, licensed the Digital Archives of the Roosevelt Institute for American...The Academic Podcast - An Important Tool for Research Communication 12/17/2021 by Wiebke Kartheus Services American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies We assembled highlights of academic podcasting from our research communities so you don't have to. Archive Your Conference Materials in "The Stacks" 11/16/2021 by Wiebke Kartheus Publishing American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies Make your CfPs, event programs & posters, and conference reports accessible in Open Access.Open Access Directory for Researchers in Anglo-American Studies 10/28/2021 by Wiebke Kartheus Services American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies For the relaunch of we have contributed a guide to subject-specific open sources.“Singular Plurality – Singulair Pluriel”: Canada at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2021 10/07/2021 by Wiebke Kartheus Canadian Studies Celebrate Canadian literature: We’ve collected online sources and program highlights about this year's guest of honor! Explore the Licensed Databases on “American Consumer Culture” 09/03/2021 by Wiebke Kartheus Licenses American Studies We licensed two databases provided by Adam Matthew Digital: “J. Walter Thompson: Advertising America” and “Market Research & American Business,..."Göttinger Schriften zur Englischen Philologie" now available in "The Stacks" 08/27/2021 by Wiebke Kartheus Publishing Services FID Network Collaboration between FID AAC and Göttingen University Press makes academic publications more accessible!The Stacks Has Been Reorganized 08/16/2021 by Wiebke Kartheus Publishing Services We restructured the website of our repository to make browsing our collections more intuitive and enhance overall usability. Berlin in British Culture: Two Online Platforms Provide Multimedia Resources for Students & Teachers 08/02/2021 by Wiebke Kartheus British & Irish Studies The Centre for British Studies at Humboldt University explores cultural ties between the city of Berlin and British artists in two online projects. Page 2 of 7. Previous 123....7 Next