News Archive Page 5 of 7. Previous 1....4567 Next Entdecken Sie die Angebote des FID Romanistik 03/14/2019 by Christoph Hornung FID Network Canadian Studies Frankokanadische Literatur, Angebote zum Forschungsdatenmanagement und Open Access-PublizierenLibrary AAC Awarded Second Phase of Funding 01/23/2019 by Almut Breitenbach & Dorothea Schuller We are continuing our services - and building a new collection! The Library as Research Instrument 12/18/2018 by Almut Breitenbach British & Irish Studies What Coleridge did in Göttingen - Maximiliaan van Woudenberg. Coleridge and Cosmopolitan Intellectualism 1794-1804: The Legacy of Göttingen...Library AAC Has Opened The Stacks for You 09/18/2018 Publishing Publish and archive your research in The Stacks, our Open Access repository!Zur Wirkung der kanadischen Grundrechtecharta 07/10/2018 by Michael Ernst Canadian Studies Greene, Ian. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms: 30+ Years of Decisions that Shape Canadian Life. Toronto: James Lorimer & Company, 2014.Aus dem Alltag der Erwerbung in der Library AAC 04/18/2018 by Wilfried Enderle American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies ... oder: Was ist eigentlich eine FID-Collection? Anmerkungen am Beispiel von Robin O'Sullivan. American Organic. A Cultural History of Farming,...Just licensed: 'Irish Newspaper Archives' 04/04/2018 by Almut Breitenbach Licenses British & Irish Studies Explore Ireland's Past and Present!... and here are even more Canadiana! 02/22/2018 by Almut Breitenbach Canadian Studies Many thanks to the Gesellschaft für Kanadastudien!Browse Library AAC’s Canadiana 02/14/2018 by Almut Breitenbach Canadian Studies Looking for a pastime on the train to Grainau?Ein juristisches Standardwerk – aktueller denn je 01/29/2018 by Michael Ernst American Studies Freund, Ernst. Standards of American Legislation: An Estimate of Restrictive and Constructive Factors. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1917. Page 5 of 7. Previous 1....4567 Next