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FID AAC Acquires DVDs and Blu-ray Discs for Your Research - Lib AAC
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FID AAC Acquires DVDs and Blu-ray Discs for Your Research

If you need access to a TV series, miniseries, reality show, documentary series or other form of serial storytelling as primary source for your current or future research project, the FID AAC is at your service: We acquire DVD and Blu-ray Discs to make them available through the German inter-library loan system. Whether you need one season of an ongoing series or a completed series, you can let us know.

Browse the holdings of DVDs and Blu-rays the SUB Göttingen has acquired so far.

If something is missing, please send us your suggestions via our Request Form and we will notify you as soon as the materials are ready to order. 

Series that were produced in the UK, Ireland, Australia, and/or New Zealand will be acquired by the SUB Göttingen. Our partners from the JFKI Library at FU Berlin already house a large collection of American and Canadian series.

Besides supporting German researchers in conducting their work by providing access to primary sources, assembling DVDs and Blu-rays in this way will also ensure the development of an accessible collection of TV productions and serial storytelling.

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