News by Topic Page 3 of 6. Previous 1234....6 Next Resources on the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 05/28/2021 by Wiebke Kartheus American Studies Find a collection of online sources to research and teach the context and aftermath of the massacre. 'The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research' Book Series Goes Open Access 03/24/2021 by Tomasz Stompor American Studies Purdue University Press offers interdisciplinary book series on research in the C-SPAN archives in Open Access.Database - African American Newspapers Series 1 & 2 09/08/2020 by Tomasz Stompor Licenses American Studies Canadian Studies FID AAC provides access to Readex database African American Newspapers Series 1 & 2 with a national licenseDatabase “Gender: Identity and Social Change” Now Available 07/09/2020 by Wiebke Kartheus Licenses American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies FID AAC provides access to this Adam Matthew database for all researchers via a national license.VDB-Fortbildung beim FID AAC 02/25/2020 by Wiebke Kartheus Events American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies Bericht zur VDB-Fortbildung für Fachreferent*innen der Anglistik & Amerikanistik an der SUB Göttingen Page 3 of 6. Previous 1234....6 Next