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The Bible and Tolkien's "The Fellowship of the Ring" are stacked on top of each other on a mossy forest floor. On top of the Tolkien book are placed: a small, conical, black witch's hat, a magical wand and a small, red Japanese Daruma doll with one eye painted on. Several trees are visible behind the books..
Several piles of books on Canada on top of a library cart
A stack of dark academia-themed books, being the 6 titles introduced and linked in the text, lie on a wooden desk in the Historical Building of Göttingen State and University Library. The mood is dark and gloomy. The background shows a window framed by two statues, chairs and rows of old books on wooden shelves
A sepia-hued view of the Statue of Liberty
The Stonewall National Monument on June 25, 2016, the day after its declaration as a national monument by President Barack Obama
Arbeitskreis Großbritannien-Forschung
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